Wednesday, April 7, 2010

blog #3 option A

From all the characters in the story "The Things They Carried" by Tim O' Brien I found that Kiowa was interesting. Kiowa was illustrated as a baptist. He carried The New Testament given to him by his father. He was an upfront, and honest solider. He carried his grandmothers distrust of the white man and his Grand fathers old hunting and feathered hatchet. Kiowa saw Ted Lavenders death and describes is annoyingly many times in an unsympathetic way "Boom Down" he says, it was like watching a rock fall. He is a flat character to me. He didn't change the way he acted upon things, even though he wish he was able to feel more sympathy for Ted Lavenders death the way Jimmy Cross did. I chose this character because he was kinda different being that he was religious I would've thought he was going have more reaction emotionally to the death of his friend.


  1. straight forward perspective. Theres a little more to it, but you have the point blanks. It wawsnt that you didnt want to have a more adverse reaction, i believe it was do to his upbringing that brought to the point of being numb to certain events occuring to other people. Also Ted Lavender was white; meaning that as a human being, Kiowa felt the negativity of the death, but being a bit racist towards white people, the death didnt really effect him that much.

  2. Interesting, in my opinion you chose Kiowa because he was a nice guy that in today world are extinct.

  3. Kiowa was a nice choice.
    You was very detailed in how the character was.
    And the reason he could show any sort of emotion was due to his upbringings.
    He was raised to be tough and show no emotions.
